Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Being "in-shape" isn't Defined by 6 Pack Abs!

Ya know, being "in shape" isn't defined by 6 pack abs, or being able to run a marathon. To me, being "in shape" means I am strong enough to do things on my own, run up the stairs without being winded, lift heavy objects without having to wait for my husband to get home to do it for me. For me, being "in-shape" is also defined by my mental health; how good do I feel about me? I will be honest here and say, yea, there was a point in my life when I had abs (the start of them, lol) and those were the worst and most self-conscious days of my life. Every day, 2 hours in the gym, eating pretty much lettuce, my life was far from fabulous. "But, I am a Personal Trainer, people expect me to have abs." (And you think you're pressured to look a certain way.) It is sad to think that when people think fitness, they think abs. THERE IS MORE TO FITNESS THAN THAT!!! So, from experience, I can say having abs yet still sitting on the beach ashamed of how I looked because I knew it wasn't good enough, really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. So, if someone posts pictures of super skinny "fit" women or muscled-out dudes with a caption that makes you feel ashamed, embarrassed, hopeless, like your nothing, or maybe you say to yourself, "I have so much weight to lose, I can't compete with this. I should just quit now, before I fail, I will never be in-shape," just ignore it. Those people got that way because it is what they wanted. That is not what I, as a Damn Good Personal Trainer expect out of you. I just want you all to become the best "in-shape" version of yourself, which means getting you down to a healthy weight range, off medications, and helping your body age with ease and no pain. If you don't love and accept EVERY piece that makes up the AWESOMENESS that is you, right now, then it won't matter how flat your belly is, or how many abs you have. Trust me, I know firsthand. Fitness is what you make it!!!